3 Best Investing Ideas for beginners
In the 21st century every single person wants to invest in stocks, real estate and somewhere else and earn money. However, at the same time, everybody wants to be on the safe side. Without knowledge investing money anywhere is risky and will lose your money. Want to play safe here? In this blog post
Branding vs Marketing | What’s the difference between Branding and Marketing
Definition and meaning of Branding and Marketing Branding is nothing but, it’s the process of creating and shaping a brand in the mind of the consumers to give specific meaning to an organization, company, products, and services. Organizations created the strategy to help people to identify quickl
Greatest Wars Advertising from Greatest Brands
The wars between the greatest brands have been seen for a long time. In this era, the biggest brands are looking for the same audience but at different levels. Increasing the competition in the market, brands are looking for the best ads strategy to get traffic and enhancement customers. Why the b
What are Consumer buying behaviour and the decision-making process?
Branding is not creating memorable impressions on consumers’ buying behaviour, but also portraying to the consumer what they expect from your business. Let’s understand with an example, Apple Airpods – There are plenty of copies are available in the market, but people are showing credibili